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  • 伦敦生活第二季

    伦敦生活第二季已完结 共6集

    年份:2019 类型:美国剧 喜剧






Fleabag(菲比·沃勒-布里奇PhoebeWaller-Bridge饰)的父亲(比尔·帕特森BillPaterson饰)终于决定和女友(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼OliviaColman饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂,他们请来了神父(安德鲁·斯科特AndrewScott饰)主持婚礼,让大家都没有想到的是,禁欲的神父和Fleabag之间竟然产生了致命的吸引力。  克莱尔(茜安·克利福德SianClifford饰)继续着和马丁(布伦特·吉尔曼BrettGelman饰)之间的婚姻,即便她知道自己的丈夫是个混蛋,不仅如此,两人还积极的备孕,打算要个孩子。神父的出现让Fleabag终于开始正视生活里出现的种种问题,同时,在一段注定不可能有结果的感情面前,Fleabag会做出怎样的选择呢?

Women are born with pain built in. It's our physical destiny. Period pains, sore boobs, childbirth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives.


Men don't. They have to seek it out. They invent all this gods and demons and things. Just so they can feel guilty about things, which is something we also do very well on our own.


And then they create wars. So they can feel things and touch each other. And when there aren't any wars they can play rugby. And we have it all going on in here, inside. We have pain on a cycle for years and years and years.


And then, just you feel you are making peace of it all. What happens? The menopause comes. The fucking menopause comes. It is the most wonderful fucking thing in the world! And, yes, your entire pelvic floor crumbles, but then you're free. No longer a slave, no longer a machine, with parts.


You're just a person in business. It is horrendous, but then it's magnificent. Something to look forward to.


What if you meet someone you like? 那你遇到喜欢的人怎么办?

I talk and drink and laugh and give them Bibles, and hope they eventually leave me alone. 我会和他们聊天、喝酒、大笑、给他们圣经,希望他们会最终离开我。

What if you meet someone you love? 那你遇到你爱的人怎么办?

We're not going to have sex. I know that's what you think you want from me. But it's not. 我是不会跟你上床的。我明白你觉得你是想从我这里得到这个,但其实不是。

Loneliness pays. 孤独经济。

Hair is everything. 发型就是一切。

We wish it wasn't, so we could actually think about something else occasionally, but it is. 我们也希望不是,这样可能偶尔还会去考虑点别的,然而发型就是很重要。

It's the difference between a good day and a bad day. 发型直接决定了我们的一天过得好还是不好。

We're meant to think that it's a symbol of power, that it's a symbol of fertility. 我们就是会觉得它象征着力量,象征着魅力。

Some people are exploited for it. And it pays for your fucking bills. 有的人会为了一个好发型不计代价。而那它他妈就是你手里拿的工钱。

Hair is everything. 发型就是一切。

So, it turns out it's quite hard to come up with something original to say about love. But I've had a go.


Love is awful. It's awful. It's painful. It's frightening. 爱不是个好东西。不仅不好,还令人痛苦,叫人害怕。

Makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself. Distance yoursefl from the other people in your life. Make you selfish. Makes you creepy. Makes you obessed with your hair. Makes you cruel. Makes you say and do things you never thought you would do! 爱让你自我怀疑,让你反省自身,让你离群索居,让你自私自利,让你阴阳怪气,让你顾影自怜,让你残酷无情,让你变得不像你自己。

It's all any of us want. And it's hell when we get there! So, no wonder, it's something we don't want to do on our own. 我们都渴望爱,到头来却发现爱带我们走向地狱。所以难怪我们不想独自经历。

I was taught if we're born with love, then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot: 'It feeling right', 'When it feels right it's easy'. But I'm not sure that's true. 别人告诉我爱是与生俱来的,所以人生来的目的就是为爱找到合适的归属。他们总说:“感觉对了”,“感觉对了就好办”。但我对此困惑不已。

It takes strength to know what's right. And love isn't something that weak people do. 分辨这感觉对不对,非常需要勇气。所以爱,不是弱者能做的事。

Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. 做一个浪漫的人,内心得怀着多么多的希望啊。

I think what they mean is... when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope. 我想他们的意思应该是,当你找到你爱的那个人,就像找到了希望。

So thank you for bringing us all together here today. To take words from this book of love. Be strong and take heart. All you who hope in the lord. 谢谢你们今天让我们得以一窥爱的真谛,心怀勇气,感谢造物主。


Women are born with pain built in. It's our physical destiny. Period pains, sore boobs, childbirth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives.


Men don't. They have to seek it out. They invent all this gods and demons and things. Just so they can feel guilty about things, which is something we also do very well on our own.


And then they create wars. So they can feel things and touch each other. And when there aren't any wars they can play rugby. And we have it all going on in here, inside. We have pain on a cycle for years and years and years.


And then, just you feel you are making peace of it all. What happens? The menopause comes. The fucking menopause comes. It is the most wonderful fucking thing in the world! And, yes, your entire pelvic floor crumbles, but then you're free. No longer a slave, no longer a machine, with parts.


You're just a person in business. It is horrendous, but then it's magnificent. Something to look forward to.


What if you meet someone you like? 那你遇到喜欢的人怎么办?

I talk and drink and laugh and give them Bibles, and hope they eventually leave me alone. 我会和他们聊天、喝酒、大笑、给他们圣经,希望他们会最终离开我。

What if you meet someone you love? 那你遇到你爱的人怎么办?

We're not going to have sex. I know that's what you think you want from me. But it's not. 我是不会跟你上床的。我明白你觉得你是想从我这里得到这个,但其实不是。

Loneliness pays. 孤独经济。

Hair is everything. 发型就是一切。

We wish it wasn't, so we could actually think about something else occasionally, but it is. 我们也希望不是,这样可能偶尔还会去考虑点别的,然而发型就是很重要。

It's the difference between a good day and a bad day. 发型直接决定了我们的一天过得好还是不好。

We're meant to think that it's a symbol of power, that it's a symbol of fertility. 我们就是会觉得它象征着力量,象征着魅力。

Some people are exploited for it. And it pays for your fucking bills. 有的人会为了一个好发型不计代价。而那它他妈就是你手里拿的工钱。

Hair is everything. 发型就是一切。

So, it turns out it's quite hard to come up with something original to say about love. But I've had a go.


Love is awful. It's awful. It's painful. It's frightening. 爱不是个好东西。不仅不好,还令人痛苦,叫人害怕。

Makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself. Distance yoursefl from the other people in your life. Make you selfish. Makes you creepy. Makes you obessed with your hair. Makes you cruel. Makes you say and do things you never thought you would do! 爱让你自我怀疑,让你反省自身,让你离群索居,让你自私自利,让你阴阳怪气,让你顾影自怜,让你残酷无情,让你变得不像你自己。

It's all any of us want. And it's hell when we get there! So, no wonder, it's something we don't want to do on our own. 我们都渴望爱,到头来却发现爱带我们走向地狱。所以难怪我们不想独自经历。

I was taught if we're born with love, then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot: 'It feeling right', 'When it feels right it's easy'. But I'm not sure that's true. 别人告诉我爱是与生俱来的,所以人生来的目的就是为爱找到合适的归属。他们总说:“感觉对了”,“感觉对了就好办”。但我对此困惑不已。

It takes strength to know what's right. And love isn't something that weak people do. 分辨这感觉对不对,非常需要勇气。所以爱,不是弱者能做的事。

Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. 做一个浪漫的人,内心得怀着多么多的希望啊。

I think what they mean is... when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope. 我想他们的意思应该是,当你找到你爱的那个人,就像找到了希望。

So thank you for bringing us all together here today. To take words from this book of love. Be strong and take heart. All you who hope in the lord. 谢谢你们今天让我们得以一窥爱的真谛,心怀勇气,感谢造物主。