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  • 女人之湖


    年份:1966 类型:爱情片








将川端字里行间的迷人情色转化,吉田吉田用新浪潮的锐利镜头,在缪斯与妻子冈田莫里子冰冷艳丽的轮廓下勾勒出爱情与欲望,化作一场令人难以忘怀的劫案。当一对已婚夫妇为安慰爱人的裸照意外落入陌生人手中时,一场噩梦般的旅程开始了。海角悬崖、沙漠沙丘、陌生人之间,女人、恋人、陌生人相互靠近的暧昧空间,隐约可见安东尼奥尼的魅力;沉船残骸中的交往与英玛·伯格曼的《镜中谜题》(1960)是分开的。空的相互照片。突破日本传统视角,释放女性爱恨情仇,川端文学意境的回味,在火车渐行渐远的寂寞场景中挥之不去。Eight years into her marriage, Miyako Mizuki (Mariko Okada) looks happy on the outside, but in fact she is not satisfied with her husband, Yuzo (Shinsuke Ashida), who cares about nothing but his career. Miyako has been having an affair with a young interior designer named Kitano (Tamotsu Hayakawa), who in turn has a fiancée named Machie (Keiko Natsu). One night in a hotel, Miyako lets Kitano takes some nude photos of her. On her way back, she is followed by a stranger (Shigeru Tsuyuguchi), and loses her handbag with the film negatives inside while trying to escape. Later at home, Miyako receives a call from the stranger. He uses the negatives to threaten her to follow his instructions and take a train to the north. The stranger is named Ginpei. He was a teacher in a girls’ school, but was expelled because of a scandal with one of his students. As Miyako meets up with Ginpei, she develops a strange attraction towards him


Eight years into her marriage, Miyako Mizuki (Mariko Okada) looks happy on the outside, but in fact she is not satisfied with her husband, Yuzo (Shinsuke Ashida), who cares about nothing but his career. Miyako has been having an affair with a young interior designer named Kitano (Tamotsu Hayakawa), who in turn has a fiancée named Machie (Keiko Natsu). One night in a hotel, Miyako lets Kitano takes some nude photos of her. On her way back, she is followed by a stranger (Shigeru Tsuyuguchi), and loses her handbag with the film negatives inside while trying to escape. Later at home, Miyako receives a call from the stranger. He uses the negatives to threaten her to follow his instructions and take a train to the north. The stranger is named Ginpei. He was a teacher in a girls’ school, but was expelled because of a scandal with one of his students. As Miyako meets up with Ginpei, she develops a strange attraction towards him