
{if:""<>""}Simon Rich,1984年出生,哈佛毕业,担任过Harvard Lampoon的主席,一毕业就已经签了两本书的合同,并且开始在SNL工作,四年后跳去了Pixar,目前已经出版了两本小说和四本幽默作品集,根据其中一本作品集The Last Girlfriend on Earth创作出了本剧。非常搞笑非常高产非常牛逼,同时也非常nerdy的一个娃娃脸男子。好的,这部分感慨完毕。话说去年七月某一天,我打开了纽约客的页面,看到Most Popular一栏里有一个标题是Guy Walks Into a Bar,这么老套的笑话开头居然也能上最受欢迎榜?我带着几分好奇点了进去,然后笑趴了。原文在此,http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/11/18/guy-walks-into-a-bar刚好那天下午我去找杂志主编聊天,聊到幽默这个话题,他跟我他刚刚看了纽约客的一篇文章笑得不行了,我说不会是那个酒吧笑话吧,他说是的。小短文里的各种反转再加上这个巧合,让我一直对这篇文章印象非常深刻。刚刚在google Simon Rich的时候,去到了他的纽约客页面,嘿,发现这篇文章居然就是他写的。本剧和此文风格真是一脉相承。Vulture对他的采访里还专门提到了这篇文章。Vulture: Recently, when The New Yorker website took down its paywall for a short period of time, your story "Guy Walks Into a Bar" went viral unexpectedly. Were you aware that happened? Was it exciting? Rich: It was thrilling! When you’re writing, you can never tell which stories are going to catch on like that, and it would probably be a mistake to write with that as your goal, but I’ve always been completely shocked and gratified and overjoyed with stories that touch a nerve. I’m amazed that one caught on because it’s obviously very strange.Growing up, you would hear "guy walks into a bar" jokes in locker rooms, and they always had some tough, macho edge to them. They were always about wanting a giant dick or wanting to sleep with women or wanting a blow job. They were always these harsh, masculine, macho jokes, and I never connected to them, even as I was repeating them in locker rooms in Manhattan as a third-grader. I always thought it would be fun to take that famous joke form and infuse it with as much vulnerability and pathos as possible, and turn that trope on its head. So as an experiment, I said, "I’m going to start with the most famous [version] of this classic joke and try to humanize every single character to the best of my ability — emotionally redeem them all." I almost pulled it off, but I was reading an article about the story, and somebody pointed out that I forgot about the geese. There were geese in the story and I forgot about them, I didn’t get to them, so I feel like at some point, I’ll have to do a second draft of that story where I give the geese some kind of emotional arc as well.好温油的一个小伙子:){else}这部带有超现实主义色彩的剧集以幽默、「天真」的视角来描绘当代年轻人(特别是纽约市的年轻人)的约会生活——真可谓酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全。所谓「超现实主义」,是指该剧把谈恋爱看做一件「生死攸关」(life-and-deathstakes)的事情。这个项目根据SimonRich撰写的畅销书《TheLastGirlfriendOnEarth》改编,SimonRich亲自担任剧集创作人。年仅28岁的SimonRich因此成为好莱坞历史上最年轻的剧集创作人之一。主人公JoshGreenberg(JayBaruchel)是一个骨子里充满浪漫主义但又过于天真单纯的年轻人,当相处多年的女友将他抛弃后,他决心再次寻找爱情——但那对他来说无异于重历一场噩梦。一夜情,痛苦的分手,闪电相亲,时间旅行,性爱外星人,许多死亡……甚至一个叫「田中」的日本阳具怪兽……这些或真或假的事情在他「史诗般」的寻爱之旅上都发生过。但他相信自己终有一天能找到相伴一生的人,他经历的一切痛苦、他付出的一切努力都会有回报。EricAndre扮演Josh的死党Mike,狂妄自信。BrittLower扮演Josh的姐姐Liz,总是盛气凌人。MayaErskine扮演让Josh伤透心(但又总是忘不掉)的前女友Maggie。MilesFisher扮演Maggie的新男友Graham,多集戏份。据称该剧将在加拿大多伦多拍摄,这种情况很少见。许多好莱坞故事剧(特别是需要花很多钱的幻想题材剧集)会在加拿大拍摄以节省资金,但情景喜剧通常很少「迈出国门」。{end if}


Simon Rich,1984年出生,哈佛毕业,担任过Harvard Lampoon的主席,一毕业就已经签了两本书的合同,并且开始在SNL工作,四年后跳去了Pixar,目前已经出版了两本小说和四本幽默作品集,根据其中一本作品集The Last Girlfriend on Earth创作出了本剧。非常搞笑非常高产非常牛逼,同时也非常nerdy的一个娃娃脸男子。好的,这部分感慨完毕。话说去年七月某一天,我打开了纽约客的页面,看到Most Popular一栏里有一个标题是Guy Walks Into a Bar,这么老套的笑话开头居然也能上最受欢迎榜?我带着几分好奇点了进去,然后笑趴了。原文在此,http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/11/18/guy-walks-into-a-bar刚好那天下午我去找杂志主编聊天,聊到幽默这个话题,他跟我他刚刚看了纽约客的一篇文章笑得不行了,我说不会是那个酒吧笑话吧,他说是的。小短文里的各种反转再加上这个巧合,让我一直对这篇文章印象非常深刻。刚刚在google Simon Rich的时候,去到了他的纽约客页面,嘿,发现这篇文章居然就是他写的。本剧和此文风格真是一脉相承。Vulture对他的采访里还专门提到了这篇文章。Vulture: Recently, when The New Yorker website took down its paywall for a short period of time, your story "Guy Walks Into a Bar" went viral unexpectedly. Were you aware that happened? Was it exciting? Rich: It was thrilling! When you’re writing, you can never tell which stories are going to catch on like that, and it would probably be a mistake to write with that as your goal, but I’ve always been completely shocked and gratified and overjoyed with stories that touch a nerve. I’m amazed that one caught on because it’s obviously very strange.Growing up, you would hear "guy walks into a bar" jokes in locker rooms, and they always had some tough, macho edge to them. They were always about wanting a giant dick or wanting to sleep with women or wanting a blow job. They were always these harsh, masculine, macho jokes, and I never connected to them, even as I was repeating them in locker rooms in Manhattan as a third-grader. I always thought it would be fun to take that famous joke form and infuse it with as much vulnerability and pathos as possible, and turn that trope on its head. So as an experiment, I said, "I’m going to start with the most famous [version] of this classic joke and try to humanize every single character to the best of my ability — emotionally redeem them all." I almost pulled it off, but I was reading an article about the story, and somebody pointed out that I forgot about the geese. There were geese in the story and I forgot about them, I didn’t get to them, so I feel like at some point, I’ll have to do a second draft of that story where I give the geese some kind of emotional arc as well.好温油的一个小伙子:)